Start here: Processwork Classes for Beginners

START HERE Processwork for Beginners

Looking for a place to start?  Don’t miss our next Processwork Toolkit course … starts January 6

Processwork Toolkit Series offers short online courses introducing the core topic areas and applications of process oriented psychology and deep democracy, the work developed by Arnold Mindell.  Take the courses as a series or jump into individual topics that best suit your learning needs.

Processwork for Beginners with Mila Gaca Ph.D, LPC

Learn essential Processwork concepts and skills

Mondays January 6, 13, and 20, 2025

4-6pm Pacific

Livestream and recording access

Check your timezone

REGISTER NOW: Processwork for Beginners with Mila Gaca

In this course you will explore and learn Processwork’s philosophy, essential concepts and awareness skills. Come and find out about dreambody, levels of reality, different types of attention, process structure, and more!

We will explore your subjective experiences through the concept of life myth and the theory of Deep Democracy, marginalization, self-other dynamics, and change process. What you will learn in this course is applicable to all areas of Processwork, so it can serve you as a foundation for further study and growth.

What can I expect?

Deeper Self-Understanding: Gain insights into your own life journey through the exploration of the dreaming process paradigm and life myth concept.

Theory and Practice: Gain understanding of the theoretical and practical principles of the Processwork paradigm.

Professional Development: Ideal for therapists, counselors, coaches, and anyone interested in personal development and holistic approaches to well-being.

Understanding Marginalization: Explore the concept of marginalization and its impact on self-other dynamics, leading to a deeper understanding of conflicts and consciousness.

Financial Equity

PWI recognizes the global and systemic forces that unequally impact people’s opportunities to participate.  If you are from an emerging economy or carrying the burden of systemic inequality and impacted by financial disadvantage, we offer an equity rate to increase accessibility.  Please choose the equity rate if it is more fair for you.

Processwork for Beginners Equity Rate ($126)

About Mila

Mila Gaca, Ph.D., is a Processwork Diplomate and a licensed counselor. She loves exploring processes on an individual and collective levels. She offers teaching, supervision, coaching, and consulting. Her areas of interests are depth psychology, evolutionary process of consciousness, organizational development (OD), and indigenous healing technologies. Mila served as PWI’s Dean of Academic Governance, 2021-23. She follows the path of heart.

2025 Toolkit Series Schedule

All classes livestream and catch up on demand …

Processwork for Beginners with Mila Gaca

January 6, 13, 20 @ 4pm – 6pm, Pacific –  Check my timezone


Body Symptoms with Jai Kahn

March 5, 12, 19  @ 10 – 12 noon, Pacific

Own Relationships with Aleksandr Peikrishvili

May 5, 12, 19 @ 4pm – 6pm, Pacific

Altered States with Ana Rhodes

July 10, 24, 31 @ 10am – 12noon, Pacific

Dreams with Susan Kocen

September 11, 18, 25 @ 10am – 12noon, Pacific

Process Oriented Groupwork for Beginners with Bill Say

November 5, 12, 19 @ 4pm – 6pm, Pacific