Max Schupbach
Max Schupbach, Ph.D. Please see his website further information.
Max Schupbach, Ph.D. is a founding member of many Processwork groups and co-author of several of its training programs. He has consulted and facilitated organizations and groups worldwide, including:
- Fortune 100 corporations such as IBM PricewaterhouseCoopers and Norsk Hydro
- NGO’s such as Caritas and ACEVO, the Association of Chief Executives of Non-profit Organizations, UK
- Executive committees of political parties such as Dynamic 5 in Europe
- Various government agencies
- Native American and Australian Aboriginal Communities
- An organization for Sex workers in Australia
- An anarchist squatter group in Europe
- Prison groups with inmates, administrators, and guards in Japan, Europe, the USA, and Australia.
- Open Town Forums (eg. in Switzerland 2003, between punks, addicts, business owners, the police and city officials, which was acclaimed by the Swiss Media as a breakthrough)
- Live-in communities such as Findhorn in Scotland and Co-housing groups worldwide
He coaches individual, public, and organizational leaders and leadership teams, including US politicians, industry leaders, and NGO directors, and was recently elected keynote speaker for an international conference on the topic of business, science and ethics, together with prominent leaders for alternative business models such as Hazel Henderson, and the former president of Poland, Lech Walensa.
He has brought e-learning to the Process Work community and has conducted many on-line classes on organizational development since 1999. Max is also the founder of Citywork, a label that is bringing deep democracy concepts into city planning. This fall, he is teaching “Tomorrow’s Leaders” – A Leadership Development Class for the Homeless and Unemployed in Portland. In addition, he is teaching the following courses at the Business School of South Africa’s oldest university, Stellenbosch in Capetown.
” Worldwork, Leadership, Strategy development and implementation: a course for executives of corporations, that brings deep democracy into the business process
” Transformative Leadership for HIV programs: a course that brings process-oriented symptom work, conflict resolution, process-oriented trauma and grief counseling to Human Resource Development professionals.
Personal Statement:
Max was born in the Swiss mountains, and now lives in Oregon, USA. He loves the diversity of people and lifestyles in the USA, and believes that life is a mad, mystical, adventurous journey into unknown worlds, both inside and out. His
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