Self-Guided Advanced Studies

The Self-Guided Advanced Studies Program is intended for people with significant experience in Processwork who feel it is their path to earn the status of Processwork Diplomate in a completely self-guided and independent way. 

Registration for this program is $3,000 per year.

Applications for this program are accepted by invitation only.  

Please contact for more information about the program.


The Self-Guided Advanced Studies Program is intended for people with significant experience in Process Work who feel it is their path to earn the status of Processwork Diplomate in a completely self-guided and independent way. The Self-Guided Advanced Studies program is a non-local program of study. Students are responsible for creating their own curriculum of study by attending seminars, courses, and putting together a study committee to guide, support and evaluate their learning. Students may study anywhere in the world. However, final exams will take place in Portland at PWI. Students receive Diplomate status in Processwork, which is an internally recognized level of excellence within the larger Processwork learning community and the International Association of Process-Oriented Psychology.

Together with their study committee, the student designs a Learning Agreement tailored to individual needs and interests. The requirements for this program include: creating and using a study committee to guide, support and evaluate your learning; completing a final project, a unique contribution to process work theory and practice; and successfully passing exams in eight topic areas.


The Diploma is recognized by the International Association of Process-oriented Psychology (IAPOP) as the basis for a Diploma in Process Work. The Self-Guided Advanced Studies program does not confer any academic degree, nor can it be used as the basis for licensure, admittance into an academic program, or membership in any professional association besides IAPOP.


As this type of program requires a great degree of self-reliance and initiative, careful consideration is given to the admissions process.

The applicant must first sit for a pre-application interview during which time the nature, conditions and requirements of the program are explained. Together the applicant and interviewer decide whether this program is the right fit for the applicant. If the interviewer and applicant decide the program is right for the applicant, the applicant submits an essay and application form with references. The applicant will be required to sit for a second interview following the submission of her or his application form.

The admissions process is designed to ascertain whether applicants meet the following criteria:

Applicants should be:

  • Self-resourced; able to put together the program they want, and responsible for designing their learning
  • Excited by rigorous learning and personal development
  • Sensible of their development and learning
  • Able to find mentors within the international and Portland Process Work communities

If accepted into the program, the student pays an annual $3000 registration fee, selects their study committee members and develops their learning agreement in collaboration with their study committee. Learning agreements must be approved by the study committee and reviewed regularly.

The annual registration fee includes the minimum requirement of two study committee meetings annually. All other training costs are the responsibility of the student. After a minimum of 2 years in the program, the student can be considered for their final exams. The study committee must approve the student to sit their final exams. Final exam costs are in addition to the annual registration fee.

For more information about program details, please contact the Outreach and Admissions Coordinator at for an in person or online meeting.

For general inquiries, contact the Process Work Institute at